The goal of faith integration does not mean repeating the religion curriculum in each academic class. The goal of faith integration is to seamlessly weave Catholic identity into how the school teaches all students and subjects. The principles of faith integration are developed to answer the following question: How is what you do in the Catholic classroom fundamentally different from what happens in other schools?
Principals of Faith Integration
- Prayer: Prayer in the Catholic school is communication with God and each other.
- Spirituality: Spirituality in a Catholic school is a search for God.
- Scripture: Scripture in a Catholic school illumines learning.
- Social Justice: Social Justice in the Catholic school teaches respect for human dignity and challenges all to work for the greater good.
- Morality: Morality in the Catholic school teaches students to anchor their choices in the mind and heart of Jesus Christ.
- Mission: The mission of the Catholic school is to evangelize, catechize, and educate students in Christ, nurturing loving service to God and neighbor.
- Witness: Catholic school community members should be a constant testimony that Jesus lives.
As a community of disciples, the School of Santa Isabel strives to put these principles into action as we all help each other on our faith journey. this requires not only prayer and action by the individual, but full participation of our whole community.